Absolutely the very best available anywhere. You cannot find a better cable design manufactured especially for your guitar or bass that uses the tested technology of these cables. Built rugged to last on the road and designed to sound quality specifications second to none.
Our highly acclaimed Super Cables are the result of many years research into the needs of professional musicians. The physical and electrical demands on this vital link from the instrument to the outside world have never been fully addressed until now and we are proud to present our latest contribution to reliability on stage and in the studio. The cables are Uni.-directional i.e. they are designed to use with the end marked with a green cap and "AMP" label connected to the amplifier, either directly or via pedals, etc., thus ensuring that airborne interference is by-passed to earth at the earliest opportunity. We have found our system of semi-balanced wiring to be most effective in reducing the amount of radio frequency interference collected by the guitar cable when in an area of high field strength.
Custom cables can be manufactured to any specific length. Stock lengths are available.
The "Silver Signature" series guitar cords are being supplied to clients world-wide as their superior performance gains recognition.
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