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Contact Us 聯絡我們

Unit 01, 13/F, New Treasure Centre,

10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon

Hong Kong

香港九龍新蒲崗五芳街 10號 新寶中心 13樓 01室


Tel: 852-2320-2680


General Enquiry 一般查詢



Guitar Products Enquiry 結他產品查詢



Bass Products Enquiry 低音結他產品查詢




Store Hours 營業時間 :


星期一 : 休息
星期二/四:中午12:00 - 晚上7:30

星期三: 需要預約
星期五/六:中午12:00 - 晚上7:30
星期日: 中午12:00 - 晚上7:00

如顧客希望於非辦公時間參觀陳列室或商討訂製結他細節,歡迎於辦公時間預約. 謝謝

Monday - Day Off
Tuesday, Thursday - 12:00pm - 07:30pm

Wednesday: By Appointment
Friday - Saturday 12:00pm - 07:30pm
Sunday 12:00pm - 07:00pm

If you would like to drop by for a visit or need to discuss about your custom guitar project  during non-office hours.  It would be great if you would call/email in advance to set up an appointment. So, please feel free to contact us during our normal business hours above.

Contact Us 聯絡我們 

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MTR 地鐵:

Diamond Hill MTR Station A2 Exit (5–10 mins walk) 

鑽石山地鐵站 A2 出口 (步行大概 5- 10 分鐘)

Contact Us 聯絡我們


Unit 1301, 13/F, 
New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, 
San Po Kong, KLN, Hong Kong

香港九龍新蒲崗五芳街 10號 新寶中心 13樓 01室

Tel: 852-2320-2680



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